Bronze WorksThere You Are,Bronze,57x21x13cm
A Draped girl,Bronze,46x28x23cm
In the Stone,Bronze,53x20x6cm
Stoney Poet,Bronze,56x10x8cm
The dressed,Bronze,102x23x17cm
Hollow thinker,Bronze,46x34x18cm
A Young Girl-Future,Bronze,113x34x20cm
A Reclining Girl,Bronze,58x70x38cm
A Bit of Seduction, Bronze,52x16x9.5cm
A Meditators,Bronze,38.5x48x16cm
Stone song 2-05, Bronze,53x19x6cm
Looking Below,Bronze,38x27x15cm
In the Morning,Bronze,41×23.5x10cm
Untitled 1-05,Bronze,31x34x27cm
Let me see,Bronze
Can not Show,Bronze
Brittee Half,Bronze
Let Us Go You and I
Mother Hood,Bronze
A Double,Bronze,100x26x22cm
A Thinker,Bronze,39x18x11cm
The rapped around,Bronze